8 Totally Attainable New Year’s Resolutions All Moms Should Make
It’s 2018! If you haven’t been asked yet, I’m sure it’s coming. What’s your New Year’s resolution? It’s a well-meaning question, but it’s one I absolutely dread. What do you mean resolution?! I’m keeping two kids alive and maintaining my sanity, isn’t that enough? If you’re a busy mom, like me, here’s a few totally attainable New Year’s resolutions you can ACTUALLY keep.
In today’s crazy social media driven world, it seems like we’re plugged in 24/7. We even have smart watches because phones just weren’t enough. To be clear, a good portion of my income is from managing social media accounts. As a blogger and business owner, social media is a critical part of being successful and making a living. When I get on Facebook or Twitter to “work” and check client accounts, I usually get sucked into checking my personal accounts too. I’ve wasted SO MUCH TIME scrolling through feeds when I could have been doing something more productive. A simple resolution this year is to put the phone down, leave the watch on charge and truly UNPLUG.
Buy New Clothes
How many moms ACTUALLY buy clothes for themselves? Every single time I shop, I buy clothes for my kids, but rarely do I buy new clothes for me. I know it seems silly, but moms deserve new clothes too, even if it’s just a comfy pair of new yoga pants.
Shower Daily
Since adding a second little princess to our family, I have become pretty reliant on dry shampoo. There are days when sleep or past due deadlines are prioritized ahead of showering. A shower can be so rejuvenating and much needed, especially after a long day of toddler antics and baby spit up. A shower is also the closest most moms get to the spa on a regular basis, so why not take advantage of it?
Leave the Housework
Okay so I know chores can’t be completely ignored, but they don’t have to be first priority. Unless you have a scheduled interview with HGTV, no one is visiting and judging your house on a daily basis. (And if someone IS judging your house, you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life). If there are toys on the floor, dishes in the sink or a cluttered corner that needs cleaning, cut yourself some slack. With kids, you’re guaranteed to have PLENTY of housework for the next decade. Don’t stress about having a picture perfect, clean home. Take time to spend with your kids or do something you love. The chores can wait.
Stop Comparing
It’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparison. This family’s new car. That mom’s well-behaved and adorably photographed kids. Your neighbor’s fancy vacation or a family member’s new house. People only share the ‘perfect’ parts of their life and odds are, they’re going through their own set of struggles. Just stop comparing yourself to everyone else. Your family is one-of-a-kind and so are you. Be grateful for the life you have and let everyone and everything else fade into the background.
Eat as a Family
Growing up, my family always ate dinner together. It was a great opportunity for us to discuss our day, bond with one another, laugh and fellowship together. Make a resolution in 2018 to spend more meals together as a family. As kids grow up, family meals will become more scarce, so take advantage of it while they’re young.
Make Time for Yourself
Whether it’s time to read a novel, start a workout class or write a blog, carving out time for yourself is healthy and a great resolution for the New Year. Choose one thing that truly makes you happy and makes you feel like you again. Personally, I’m excited about starting a new daily devotional this year.
Give Yourself Grace
As moms, we are SO hard on ourselves. We’re responsible for a lot of the mental and physical load of raising babies. Some days, you just have to remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can. We have to be willing to accept that no one’s perfect and a little bit of grace goes a long way.
It’s your turn now! Tell me, what are your New Year’s resolutions for 2018?