Disney Princess Easter Eggs Tutorial

DIY Disney Princess Inspired Easter Eggs

Making Easter eggs with your princess for the holiday? Before dragging out messy dyes, read how I made these Disney Princess Easter eggs completely mess free!

Disney Princess Easter Eggs Tutorial

How to Make Disney Princess Easter Eggs

I purchased pre painted wooden eggs from Hobby Lobby (for 40% off). These have a similar feel to real eggs. If you want to create these as a decor piece to use again the wooden eggs are the perfect option. If your daughter loves hard boiled eggs this technique will work on real eggs too.

The Secret to Success

All you need is SHARPIES. That’s right, just Sharpie Markers. These are easier to use than paint and cleaner than dye.

I lightly sketched my Princess dresses on the egg with a pencil and then colored them in with Sharpie. I chose not to draw faces as I feel those are always more difficult and can look rather cheesy if not done well.

The dress designs were pretty simple and could of course be done more intricately. You can also do other characters and be as creative as you want to be. I hope this inspires you this Easter to decorate your eggs in a fun and unique new way.

Don’t forget to pin this for later!

Disney Princess Easter Eggs


  • Kayla Peloquin

    A blogger, Social Media Specialist and digital influencer, Kayla is the founder and driving force behind MommyofaPrincess.com, a blog designed to provide party planning ideas, family travel tips, and fun DIY projects with her Millennial 'Girl Mom' audience. She has partnered with several brands, a few favorites include Walt Disney World, Google, Coca-Cola, Carters and LEGOLAND Florida. This venture perfectly fits her current lifestyle with two young daughters.

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